So Watt

Painted Plywood Kick Panels

$166.00 $166.00

240cm W x 8cm H

Plywood Kick Panels For Your Base Cabinets 

Designed + Made to order by So Watt in Marrickville, Sydney, from 100% plywood.

We offer 3 different height kick panels for you to finish off the base of your IKEA METOD kitchen cabinets. 

These kick panels are sold in full lengths so that you can cut them down to the perfect length for your kitchen. We recommend adhering them to the click-on kicks supplied by IKEA for easy install or removal.

While power tools will give you the best clean and straight cut, you can also carefully use a hand held timber saw and clean up the edge with some sand paper.

To learn more, head over to your IKEA Hack page for steps and inspiration!

  • Constructed from 18mm thick Birch plywood and completely sealed in clear or colour low VOC finish.

    These plinth panels are finished on all faces and edges to give you flexibility when installing. 

    The grain of the plywood runs along the length of the kick panels.